Hi JP. Appreciate your mind at work.. Truly. I read that book many times recently. Its my take that any analysis of it needs to take place with understanding the perimeters of the world Albert builds-that is, an absurd world in which”…there is a metaphysical honor in enduring the worlds absurdity in a campaign in which humans are defeated in advance.”. Quote from the book. That is one of many parameters Albert puts down to build his simple philosophy or absurd reasoning. He also calls The wisdom of Sisyphus a difficult and lucid one stemming from his understanding the futility of just about every effort in a godless universe…but, also says one can live a rich, passionate and beautiful life knowing full well nothing may come of it. Albert banks a lot on running only with what is certain. We’re here now and will perish. Beyond that, for Albert, it seems a waste of energy hence embracing and loving completely, as much as is humanly possible, every aspect of our little lives, at a maximum and certainly, the one we are sure of having. That’s my take on that…Again, really enjoy your mind at work grappling with this idea and this difficult wisdom.

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Thank you for your kind comments. You have said it better than I could, friend. Its a frightening kind of practical heroism Camus calls our attention to, isnt it? I see something of this heroism in your most recent post. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts! Dont be a stranger.

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If you’re interested, I wrote an interpretation of Albert’s book in my substack. It’s in the philosophy category. Starts with 1. The Ailment - 7. The Remedy. It’s all about understanding absurd reasoning.

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I had to write it…I was dying inside….

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